Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rope barriers and retractable barriers

Stanchion rope barriers appear all over the city- some that we have spotted have been stanchions that appear from the pavement. using a remote control, the stanchions can be raised from the ground. This blocks traffic and stop cars from entering one way streets where traffic needs to be diverted. the automatic stanchions pay a permanent role in the city and can have a huge affect on the direction of traffic flow. This can also be said for the rope barriers and retractable barrier posts. They are used for directing foot traffic giving you control within interior spaces and it only takes a stanchion to make work easier for all staff. Cafeteria lines, car dealerships or even banks will find value in a rope barrier stanchion or retractable barrier stanchion. Having different coloured stanchions is also a great way to give any indication of what the stanchion might represent. Red retractable barrier posts might mean danger. Red rope barrier stanchions may imply mean an A-listers event. Which ever stanchion you choose to use as part of your interior queue management, stanchions will give you total control within your premises.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stanchions & Barrier Posts

The stanchions and barrier posts come in a range of sizes, styles and colours and recently we have spotted a range of retractable posts that are supported with two retractable bands. These retractable bands are ffound both at the top and middle of the posts. Stretching across at two levels means that it can stop kids from running unerneathe the retractable barriers. The busiest of places such as airports would find that this type of barrier would be most helpful as a lot of kids run ramplant around queue management systems. Places that do not have to constantly release the tensa baarier to let people through will find these kinds of stanchions an advantage to their business. Another place that may find these kinds of stanchions helpful are amusement parks where there are always kids running around and trying to run through and around the queue management system to get through to the front of the line. USe the retractable barrier posts to your advanatge and prevent kids from running ramapnt in your area.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Stanchion Accessories

There are many stanchion accessories out on the market today and they are a great way to keep up with trends in your premises. Take for example sign holders for rope stanchions. These sign holders can be used on top of posts to indicate where lines start or end and can also be used to advertise other products or services that you may have to offer. These sign holders for stanchions are usually of matching finishes, such as gold stanchions with golds sign holders. They are also available for retractable barriers too. Stanchions are a somewhat modular system where by the decorative top of the posts can be taken off to be replaced with sign holders. This makes them ideal for changing environments or new set ups that are needed in your premises. We have also seen stanchions with built in cigarette holders which are great for being used outside pubs, clubs, restaurants or casinos. These stanchions with accessories will help highlight your premises and are sure to be a trend in your area.